Peer-reviewed Journals
Doz, E., Cuder, A., Pellizzoni, S., Granello, F., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2024). The interplay between ego-resiliency, math anxiety and working memory in math achievement. Psychological Research.
Marcatto, F., Patriarca, E., Bramuzzo, D., Lucci, E., Larese Filon, F. (2024). Investigating the role of organizational stress in nurses' psychosomatic complaints: Evidence from a study in northeastern Italy. AIMS Public Health, 11(2): 420-431.
Marcatto, F., Patriarca, E., Bramuzzo, D., Lucci, E., Larese Filon, F. (2024). Job demands and DHEA-S levels: a study on healthcare workers. Occupational Medicine, XX, 1-5.
Cuder, A., Živković, M., Doz, E., Pellizzoni, S., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2023). The relationship between math anxiety and math performance: The moderating role of visuospatial working memory. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 233, 105688.
Doz, E., Cuder, A., Pellizzoni, S., Carretti, B., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2023). Arithmetic Word Problem-Solving and Math Anxiety: The Role of Perceived Difficulty and Gender. Journal of Cognition and Development, 24(4), 598–616.
Doz, E., Cuder, A., Caputi, M., Pellizzoni, S., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2023). Distance learning environment: perspective of Italian primary and secondary teachers during COVID‑19 pandemic. Learning Environments Research, 26, 555–571.
Doz, D., & Doz, E. (2023). The impact of COVID-19 distance learning on students’ math anxiety: An exploratory study. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 11(1), 1-16.
Florean, I., Penolazzi, B., Menichelli, A., Pastore, M., Cattaruzza, T., Mazzon, G., & Manganotti, P. (2021). Using the ATN system as a guide for the neuropsychological assessment of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 43(9), 926-943.
Sgubin G., Deodato M., Murena L. (2023), Gamification in Rehabilitation: The Role of Subjective Experience in a Multisensory Learning Context – A Narrative Review. GESTALT THEORY, Vol. 45, No. 1-2, 1–17
Živković, M., Pellizzoni, S., Doz, E., Cuder, A., Mammarella, I. C., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2023). Math self-efficacy or anxiety? The role of emotional and motivational contribution in math performance. Social Psychology of Education, 26, 579–601.
Bove, B., Doz, E., Cuder, A., Pellizzoni, S., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2022). Potenziare l’apprendimento matematico con il nuovo dispositivo digitale “MagiCal”: uno studio pilota. QuaderniCIRD, 25, 10-36.
Doz, D., & Doz, E. (2022). Introducing Probability Theory through Heuristics: A Laboratory for High School Students. Mathematics Teaching Research Journal, 14(3), 60-79.
Passolunghi, M. C., De Blas, G. D., Carretti, B., Gomez-Veiga, I., Doz, E., & Garcia-Madruga, J. A. (2022).
The role of working memory updating, inhibition, fluid intelligence, and reading comprehension in explaining differences between consistent and inconsistent arithmetic word-problem-solving performance. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 224, 105512.
Gagliano, A., Cuder, A., Doz, E., Passolunghi, M. C., & Pelizzoni, S. (2021). Lo sviluppo delle funzioni esecutive e l’educazione musicale: uno studio esplorativo. QuaderniCIRD, 23, 40-64.
Doz, E., Colombini, E., Cuder, A., Pellizzoni, S., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2021). Problemi aritmetici di tipo verbale: un’analisi dei fattori che contribuiscono alla loro difficoltà. QuaderniCIRD, 22, 63-84.
Peer-reviewed Books
Passolunghi, M. C., & Doz, E. (2024). Si può promuovere il benessere nell’apprendimento matematico? In M. Camodeca & C. Gelati (Eds.), Il benessere a scuola. Una prospettiva psicologica (pp. 115-140). Carocci Editore.
Doz, E., Cotič, M., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2023). The Development of Strategies for Solving Arithmetic Word Problems: Using Keywords or Diagrams? In A. Istenič, M. Gačnik, B. Horvat, M. Kukanja Gabrijelčič, V. R. Kiswarday, M. Lebeničnik, M. Mezgec & M. Volk (Eds.), Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo /Upbringing and Education between the Past and the Future (pp. 411–426). Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
Doz, E., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2022). Podpora učencem z učnimi težavami pri matematiki: intervencije in posledice za pouk. In M. Košak Babuder, M. Kavkler, M. Kalan, Z. Stančić, & A. Morrison Clement (Eds.), Specifične učne težave in izzivi današnjega časa (pp. 46-54). Društvo Bravo.
Oral presentations at Peer-Reviewed Conferences
Florean, I., Stragà, M., Mäntylä, T., & Del Missier, F. (2024, June 10-12). Spontaneous cognitive offloading in route planning [Conference session]. International Conference on Thinking 2024, Milano, Italy.
Stragà, M., Bruine de Bruin, W., Mäntylä, T., Florean, I., Zambon, D., & Fabio Del Missier. The green decision maker: Restoring the ability to apply decision rules through exposure to environmental audiovisual stimuli [Conference session]. International Conference on Thinking 2024, Milano, Italy.
- Cuder, A., Pellizzoni, S., Granello, F., Doz, E., Giofrè, D., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2024, May 28-30).The impact of math anxiety and self-efficacy in middle-school STEM choices: a threeyear longitudinal study [Oral presentation]. Advances in Numerical Cognition Research - 12th annual meeting. Padova, Italy.
Doz, E., Cuder, A., Pellizzoni, S., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2024, May 28-30). The interplay between math self-efficacy, state anxiety and metacognition in word problem-solving [Oral presentation]. Advances in Numerical Cognition Research - 12th annual meeting. Padova, Italy.
Boscarol Sara , Gasparroni Verusca, Finisguerra Alessandra, Urgesi Cosimo ( 2023, April 16-18) . Il ruolo del deficit motorio nell’abilità di predizione di eventi nei bambini con paralisi cerebrale infantile . [Oral presentation]. Italian Rehabilitation Neurologic Society Conference 2023 SIRN . Riva del Garda ,IT.
S.Boscarol, A. Finisguerra, V. Gasparroni, T. Zilli, E Sponton , C. Urgesi ( 2023, September 6-9). Action prediction is biased by contestual cues in children with cerebral palsy but not in children with dispraxia [Oral presentation].23° Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psycology ESCOP2023 Porto Portugal.
S Boscarol, A. Finisguerra, V. Gasparroni, T. Zilli, C. Urgesi (2023 November 9-11) .Action prediction is biased by contextual cues in children with cerebral palsy but not in children with developmental coordination disorder. [Oral presentation]. XXXI CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SIPF Conference 2023. Siena,ITHttps://
Cuder, A., Pellizzoni, S., Doz, E., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2023, June 5-8). The relationship between math anxiety, attentional processes, and math performance: evidence from a developmental sample [Oral presentation]. Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference 2023. Loughborough, UK.
Doz, E., Cotič, M., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2023, September 15). The development of strategies for solving arithmetic word problems: using keywords or diagrams? [Oral presentation]. 19. mednarodni znanstveni sestanek. Koper, Slovenia.
Doz, E., Agnoli, S., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2023, September 11-13). Exploring the relation between creativity, anxiety and arithmetic word problems in primary school children [Oral presentation]. 7th MIC Conference 2023. Trieste, Italy.
Doz, E., Cuder, A., Pellizzoni, S., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2023, June 5-8). Exploring the role of different components of WM in the relationship between ego-resiliency, math anxiety, and math performance [Oral presentation]. Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference 2023. Loughborough, UK.
Florean, I., Stragà, M., Mäntylä, T., & Del Missier, F. (2023, September 18-20). Cognitive offloading in spatial planning [Conference session]. 29th AIP Experimental Section Congress, Lucca, Italy
Gasparroni Verusca, Finisguerra Alessandra, Michelutti Arianna, Boscarol Sara, Urgesi Cosimo (2023, April 16-18) .Stimolazione trans-auricolare del nervo vago (tvns) abbinata a trattamento intensivo bimanule in bambini con emiparesi in pci: protocollo di studio rct . [Oral presentation]. Italian Rehabilitation Neurologic Society Conference 2023 SIRN. Riva del Garda ,IT.
Sgubin G., Trobec B., Canton G., Klancnik T., Barzi D., Deodato M., Murena L. (2023). Early rehabilitation program with augmented reality and gamification after surgery in patients with lower limb fractures. International Scientific Congress “Tailored Physiotherapy: una strategia per il futuro” Bologna, 10-11th November
Stragà, M., Bruine de Bruin, W.,Mäntylä, T., Florean, I., Del Missier, F. (2023, August 20-24). The tree-hugging decision maker: restoring decision-making competence through exposure to nature [Conference session]. 29thSPUDM Conference - Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision making, Vienna, Austria.
Doz, E., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2022, September 30-October 1). Supporting students with mathematical learning disabilities: interventions and educational implications [Oral presentation]. 6. Bravo Konferenca. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Doz, E., Colombini, E., Cuder, A., Pellizzoni, S., Carretti, B., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2022 September 27-30). The Role of Emotional Aspects on Arithmetic Word Problem-Solving in Primary School Children [Oral presentation]. XXX Congresso AIP. Padova, Italy.
Doz, E., Cuder, A., Carretti, B., Pellizzoni, S., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2022, September 23-24). Abilità cognitive e soluzione di problemi aritmetici: i termini “in più” e “in meno” facilitano sempre il processo di soluzione? [Oral presentation]. AIRIPA XXX Congresso Nazionale. Padova, Italy.
Doz, E., Pellizzoni, S., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2022, June 1-3). Math Anxiety and Arithmetic Problem-Solving: the Role of Perceived Difficulty and Gender [Oral presentation]. Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference 2022. Antwerpen, Belgium.
Doz, E. (2022, April 25). Reševanje besedilnih nalog: izzivi in priložnosti [Word problem-solving: challenges and opportunities; Oral presentation]. 5. konferenca o učenju in poučevanju matematike KUPM 2022. Kranj, Slovenia.
Poster presentations at Peer-Reviewed Conferences
De Luca, M., Schimdt, J., Ponte, G., Fiorito, G., Chiandetti, C. (2023 - Poster Presentation). The search of neural correlates of conscious states in cephalopod molluscs. Workshop on Cognition and Evolution, 6-7 July (Rovereto-TN, Italy).
De Luca, M., Schimdt, J., Chiandetti, C., Edelman, D.B., Ponte, G., Fiorito, G. (2023 - Poster Presentation). The Case of Octopus vulgaris: exploring neural hallmarks for consciousness. 20th National Congress of the Italian Society for Neuroscience, 14-17 September (Torino, Italy). Poster selected for Best Poster Award as one of the SINS Outstanding Poster Presenters.
Sgubin G., Trobec B., Canton G., Deodato M., Murena L. (2023). Changes in anticipatory postural adjustment prior to gait initiation after lower limb immobilization, XXIII Congresso SIAMOC 2023, Roma, 4-7th October.
Sgubin G., Deodato M., Manganotti P. (2023). "I know what I used to do": Cognitive Multisensory Rehabilitation with Motor Imagery in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease. LIMPE – Alpe Adria Update on Movement Disorders, Trieste, 9-11th November.
Gonan, S., De Osti, G., Vallortigara, G., Chiandetti, C. (2023, October 28). [Virtual Poster]. Things That Sing In The Night: Melodic And Rhythmic Intervals In A Nocturnal Bird [Virtual Poster]. 19ᵗʰ Annual NeuroMusic Conference. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Gonan, S., Vallortigara, G., Chiandetti, C. (2023, July 6-7). Running into the Lion's Den: Naïve 3-day-old Domestic Chicks Are Attracted to Predator Voices [Poster]. Rovereto Workshop on Cognition and Evolution 2023. Rovereto, Italy.
De Luca, M. (2022 - Poster Presentation). Exploring consciousness in cephalopod molluscs: from practical applications to behavioral indicators. 22nd International Gestalt Theory Conference: Mind in Context - Context in Mind, 7-10th July (Trieste, Italy).
Doz, E., Colombini, E., Pellizzoni, S., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2022, July 7-10). Arithmetic word problem-solving in primary school children: the role of cognitive, emotional and motivational factors [Poster]. 22nd International Gestalt Theory Conference: Mind in Context - Context in Mind. Trieste, Italy.
Florean, I., Mäntylä, T., Stragà, M., & Del Missier, F. (2022, July 07). The influence of task constraints in human planning and reconfiguration [Poster Presentation]. 2022 GTA Conference, Trieste, Italy.
Florean, I., Penolazzi, B., Menichelli, A., Pastore, M., Cattaruzza, T., Mazzon, G., & Manganotti, P. (2022, October 13-15). Using the ATN system as a guide for the neuropsychological assessment of Alzheimer’s disease [Poster Presentation]. XVII SINdem National Conference, Florence, Italy.
Gonan, S., Dissegna, A., Vallortigara, G., Chiandetti, C. (2022, September 1-3). Do Non-singing Birds have got Rhythm too? Insights from Timing Analysis of Domestic Chicks' Contact Calls [Poster]. 8ᵗʰ European Student Conference on Behavior & Cognition. Rovereto, Italy.
Gonan, S., Vallortigara, G., Chiandetti, C. (2022, July 7-10). I sound consonant, therefore I am. A comparative approach to the study of acoustic consonance in animacy perception [Poster]. 22nd International Gestalt Theory Conference: Mind in Context - Context in Mind. Trieste, Italy.
Munaretto, G., Mäntylä, T., Stragà, M., Florean, I., & Del Missier, F. (2022, September 01). Monitoring in time-based prospective memory: Follow the (exponential) pattern [Poster Presentation]. 2022 Escop Conference, Lille, France.
Sgubin, G., Deodato, M., Canton, G., Trobec, B., Murena, L. (2022, July 7-10). The use of virtual reality and motor imagery in post-operative rehabilitation protocols after lower limb fractures [Poster]. 22nd International Gestalt Theory Conference: Mind in Context - Context in Mind. Trieste, Italy.
- Florean, I. (2024, May 31). Cognitive Offloading: extending the research to Spatial Planning. [Presentation of one of the research lines followed by the Memory & Decision Lab to university students in Psychology]. Trieste, Italy.
- Passolunghi, M. C., & Doz, E. (2024). Memoria di lavoro e metamemoria. Scuola dell'infanzia, 35, 18-19.
Finisguerra A, Gasparroni V. BOOST “Bottom-up and tOp-down neuromOdulation of motor plaSTicity in cerebral palsy” - official presentations at the winning projects of UNMET MEDICAL NEEDS- Milano16th of November 2023 _ Regione Lombardia
Florean, I. (2023, June 21). Introduction to Cognitive Offloading [Presentation of one of the research lines followed by the Memory & Decision Lab to university students in Psychology]. Trieste, Italy.
Gasparroni Verusca, Boscarol S, Finisguerra A, Michelutti A, Urgesi C (2023, may 20). The Transcutaneous Auricular vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) in children with CP : a multicentric, randomized, double blind trial. [Oral presentation]. Corso di aggiornamento RiCerca trova! Incontro di presentazione dell’attività scientifica dell’IRCCS E. Medea La Nostra Famiglia polo FVG- ECM- Pasian di Prato (UD)
Gasparroni V . In occasione del 25° di riconoscimento dell’IRCCS E.Medea del Polo Regionale FVG, Presentazione Bilancio Di Missione 2022 ed Attività di Ricerca: La Ricerca Scientifica a favore dell’Uomo: innovazione e produzione di valore. Torre di Santa Maria Sala di Confindustria - 21 novembre 2023
Passolunghi, M. C., & Doz, E. (2023). La memoria di lavoro. Scuola dell’infanzia, 25, 14-15.
Chiandetti, C., Gonan, S. (2022). Intelligenze animali. Ovvero, creature intelligenti e stupide. Culture della sostenibilità 30, 150
Cuder, A., Doz., E., Pellizzoni, S., & Passolunghi, M. C. (2022). Una sfida per la mente. Psicologia e scuola, 12, 20-24.
Del Missier, F.,Stragà, M., & Florean, I. (2022, September 22-24). Environ-mental Lab [Dissemination activities related to cognitive and environmental topics]. 2022 Trieste NeXT, Trieste, Italy
Passolunghi, M. C., Pellizzoni, S., Caputi, M., Cuder, A., & Doz, E. (2022). Amici della matematica. Psicologia e scuola, 12, 8-9.