Complementary skills Training
Students can choose and attend specific courses/seminars on cross-curricular topics that are organized in collaboration with all the other Doctoral Schools of the University of Trieste. Please regularly check the calendar of the Complementary Skills Training 2017 to be updated on which courses are activated and when/where.
From May 8 to June 5, 2017 there is the possibility to attend seminars on professional ethics in Psychology. Speakers will be Italian Consiglieri dell'Ordine degli Psicologi del FVG. Please check the calendar of the seminars for specific details, dates and locations.
From May 23 to July 4, 2017 students can also attend seminars in clinical neurology. Please check the calendar of the seminars for specific details, dates and locations. No registration fee is required from NeSC students.
June 20, 2017 a course on "la gestione del diritto d'autore". Please check this attachment for further information. Conference Room, via Weiss 21, 09:00-18:00.