PhD Program in Neural and Cognitive Sciences | NeCS

Hands on


During our "hands on" moments, practical lectures will be devoted to learning how to use specific lab instruments, softwares, how to write a paper, a grant proposal, how to review an article...and so forth.

Lectures will be in Italian if not otherwise specified.  




December 5, 03:00 pm @ H3 building, Room 2C

The academic system and the career perspectives of young researchers
In this seminar, the topic of career progression will be addressed. The description of the Italian academic system will be provided, also in comparison with that of other countries. Moreover, the criteria of the Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) will be described, as well as the most common bibliometric indexes used to evaluate researchers’ careers. 

Download the leaflet


December 6, 10:30 pm @ H3 building, Room 2C

Writing a scientific paper: practical tips
All the steps necessary to achieve a publication in peer-reviewed journals will be briefly described (i.e., journal choice, manuscript preparation, peer-review processes, manuscript revision, final acceptance). Particular attention will be dedicated to manuscript preparation, by analyzing the global structure and the single sections of published journal articles. 

Download the leaflet


December 12, 10:30 am @ A building, Room N

Data analysis with Jamovi (part I)

This seminar will introduce one of the most used free software for statistical analysis: Jamovi. Jamovi is built on top of R language, but it allows to conduct the main statistical tests through an easy-to-use interface. The first part of this seminar will address the basics of data preparation, data exploration and statistical tests, especially suited for psychological research. The seminar will focus on the practical application of the software.

Those who would like to participate in the seminar are recommended to bring a computer with them and to download the software (

Download the leaflet


December 13, 03:30 pm @ seminar room, W building, via Weiss 21, San Giovanni Park

Eye-tracking: recording and analysis of the ocular movements (part I)

In this introductory seminar, ideal for beginners, the basics of the eye-tracking technique will be presented, including a brief discussion on the characteristics of eye movements. After an overview presentation of the eye-tracking system EyeLink® 1000 Plus, topics like participant setup and system’s calibration will be addressed.

Download the leaflet 


December 19, 10:30 am @ seminar room, W building, via Weiss 21, San Giovanni Park

Data analysis with Jamovi (part II)

This seminar constitutes the second part of “Data analysis with Jamovi” seminar. It will further provide the basic knowledge to carry out the main statistical tests used in psychological research through the Jamovi software. Some practical exercises will be provided. 

Those who would like to participate in the seminar are recommended to bring a computer with them and to download the software (

Download the leaflet


December 20, 03:30 pm @ seminar room, W building, via Weiss 21, San Giovanni Park

Eye-tracking: recording and analysis of the ocular movements (part II)

In this seminar, ideal for people who wants to use eye-tracking in their research, an overview presentation on how to collect and to analyze eye movements data will be given. The two SR Research software  – Experiment Builder and EyeLink Data Viewer – will be presented, and an example on how to program and run a simple experiment with the  EyeLink® 1000 Plus will be provided, as long as an example of eye movements data analysis.

Download the leaflet 



March 21-22, 09:00am - 05:00pm

Two days on SR-Research Eye-tracker system

@ W building, Seminar room and room 126

Detailed calendar:

Day 1 - Thursady, March the 21st
  • 09:00 — Meeting at a location  
  • 09:30 - 11:30 — Setup, installation and testing of the EyeLink system
  • 11:30 - 12:30 — System overview presentation
  • 12:30 - 13:30 — Lunch / coffee break
  • 13:30 - 14:30 — Hands-on practice with participant setup and eye tracking using both mounts
  • 14:30 - 15:30 — General introduction to Experiment Builder software
  • 15:30 - 17:00 — Customised programming session (resulting in two complete experiments)
Day 2 -  Friday, March the 22nd
  • 09:00 — Meeting at a location  
  • 09:30 - 10:30 — More hands-on practice, if required 
  • 10:30 - 11:30 — Data collection with custom project
  • 11:30 - 13:30 — Introduction to DataViewer software
  • 13:30 - 14:00 — Other tools and approaches to data analysis
  • 14:00 — Questions and anything else



Tuesday, November 07, 04:30pm - 05:30pm

The academic system and the career perspectives of young researchers
In this seminar, the topic of career progression will be addressed. The description of Italian academic system will be provided, also in comparison with that of other countries. Moreover, the criteria of the Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) will be described, as well as the most common bibliometric indexes used to evaluate researchers’ career.


Monday, November 13, 03:30pm - 04:30pm

Writing a scientific paper: practical tips
All the steps necessary to achieve a publication in peer-reviewed journals will be briefly described (i.e., journal choice, manuscript preparation, peer-review processes, manuscript revision, final acceptance). Particular attention will be dedicated to manuscript preparation, by analyzing the global structure and the single sections of published journal articles.